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(53 Reviews)
PlayStation 4

PlayStation Network Card 1000 RUB RU

Key activation
This is a restricted product and it can be activated and played ONLY in Russia
Hungry for something new? Download hundreds of games of every size and shape - plus get add-ons and expansion packs for your favorite titles. Rent or buy hit movies and your favorite TV shows. It's also a breeze to pass content between your PS4, PS3 and your PS Vita.


  • The Ultimate Entertainment Gift Card
    PlayStation Network Cards fill your PSN Wallet with cash, allowing you to download new games, DLC, and videos, as well as stream movies and music.
  • Download the latest games and add-ons
    PlayStation Network Cards allow you to download tons of great PS4 and PS3 Games, PS Vita games, exclusive PSN titles, and expand your gaming experiences with new DLC.
  • Access your favorite movies and music
    Rent or purchase the latest and greatest movies and shows available, and choose from millions of songs and videos to stream instantly to your favoite devices.
  • Connect with millions and start playing
    Take your games to the next level by downloading the latest multiplayer maps, missions, and characters to play online with friends and tons of other PlayStation games.