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(34 Rezensionen)
Epic Games

PAYDAY 2 - The Big Bank Heist DLC Steam Gift

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Steampunk Games
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Veröffentlichung: 17/07/2014

Payday  2: The Big Bank Heist DLC Steam Gift

Plattform:  Steam
Sprachen:  EN/DE/FE/IT/ES/NL/RU
Release:  17 Juni 2014

Über das Spiel

Zum Spielen wird die Steam-Version des Hauptspiels PAYDAY 2 benötigt.

If money is the lifeblood of this city, then the Benevolent bank is its beating heart.

The Big Bank DLC ist der sechste DLC für den Raubüberfall-Koop-Shooter PayDay 2. Nicht nur, dass es sich dabei um den bisher umfangreichsten und fortschrittlichsten Heist handelt, mit dem wir einen neuen Contract einführen, der sich The Dentist nennt und von Giancarlo Esposito gespielt wird. Es ist gleichzeitig auch eine Rückkehr zu den Wurzeln der Marke PayDay.

Der neue DLC bietet einfach alles, was das Entwicklerteam selbst so sehr am Original-Spiel liebe: Ein riesiges Setting, einen intensiven Heist-Plan und einen hohen Wiederspielwert, so Klint weiter. Ein grosses neues Areal sowie einen nicht minder grossen Raubüberfall, der dank neuer Funktion detailliert im Voraus geplant werden darf. Vier neue Masken mit den Konterfeis von US-Präsidenten sind ebenfalls an Bord. Ausserdem gibt's eine neue Kontaktperson namens The Dentist, die von Breaking-Bad-Bösewicht Giancarlo Esposito verkörpert wird.


  • Introducing the Dentist – Brought to life by Giancarlo Esposito, little is known about the Dentist. He represents a large clientele whom he refers to as his patients. He is a determined, meticulate planner who has taken a great interest in the PAYDAY gang. He is the only one who knows how to free old Hoxton. The Big Bank is the first job the Dentist wants you to do. Perform well and there's no telling how deep the rabbit hole goes.
  • The biggest heist in the history of PAYDAY – Few cities in America have the heritage of DC, and few institutions in DC boast the heritage of the Benevolent Bank. The Benevolent Bank is rich. You'll see it as soon as you walk in. Bohemian crystal chandeliers, counters of Tuscan marble and wealthy people as far as the eye can see. You could fit 10 Harvest & Trustee branches in the Benevolent Bank and you could fit a Robert's bank in the vault alone.
  • Plan your heists like never before with Preplanning – Preplanning is a new feature that allows you to learn more about the target, and plan out your perfect heist. If you are planning to do a stealth job, focus on surveillance, easier access, and bypassing security. If you plan on going loud, plant supplies at strategic points, and choose fast approaches and exits.
  • "The right arm for the Free World" – Hard hitting and lethal. The Falcon Rifle offers a blend of the 7.62x52mm's stopping power in a highly modular package. With over 50 years of service worldwide it's seen its fair share of battles and proved its reliability in such environments. Keep in mind it's length and hefty recoil when engaging in a brawl with the law. If used correctly it'll prove to be a valuable asset and a worthy addition to the PAYDAY gangs arsenal of weapons. Modify it to fit your play style using the accompanying 9 weapon modifications.
  • 4 new masks based on our forefathers – Four new masks are added to the game, themed around founding fathers and presidents of old. Ever wanted to rob a bank wearing a mask of good ol' Washington? Now's your chance.
  • 4 new materials and patterns – Four additional materials and patterns have been added to go along with the four new masks. How about a mask made of exclusive marble? Sounds pretty sweet in our opinion.
  • 10 new achievements with in-game rewards – For any serious bank robber out there, 10 new heist specific achievements can be unlocked. Each achievement unlocked gives a specific in-game weapon modification to use with the Falcon Rifle.


  • OS:Windows XP SP3
  • Processor:2 GHz Intel Dual Core Processor
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics:NVIDIA GeForce 8800/ATI Radeon HD 2600 (256MB minimum)
  • DirectX®:9.0c
  • Hard Drive:26 GB HD space
  • Sound:DirectX 9.0c compatible