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(13 Recensioni)

AVAST Driver Updater Key (1 Year / 1 PC)

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Lavoriamo duramente per proteggere la sicurezza dei tuoi pagamenti. Il nostro Ufficio Prevenzione Frodi lavora 24 ore su 24 per proteggere le tue transazioni. Abbiamo implementato un sistema creato su misura per rilevare potenziali truffatori e abbiamo stretto una collaborazione con Ravelin, una delle migliori piattaforme di prevenzione frodi al mondo. Non condividiamo i dati dei tuoi pagamenti con venditori esterni e non vendiamo le tue informazioni personali a terzi.
Come attivare la Chiave
Raccomanda questo gioco e guadagna$0.16o più per ogni copia venduta.Unisciti in 3 minuti
This is a 1-year licence for 1 PC.

Scan, update and fix your drivers to make your PC work like it should.

Automatically fix and update over 127,000 drivers for peak PC performance.

Less freezing and crashing. PC, uninterrupted
Nobody likes a blue screen. Our smart scan detects broken or outdated drivers and fixes them to reduce PC freezes, crashes and bugs, connectivity problems, mouse and printer issues, and more.

Sharper graphics. See it all
Enjoy better images and graphics. We scan for fresh graphic drivers in real time to give you smoother gaming, video streaming and media editing. Wanna play? Tests have shown up to 100% frame rate increases just by upgrading Nvidia graphics drivers.

Richer sound. Turn it up
We keep your sound drivers updated, so that your audio quality soars rather than crackles. That means clearer, trouble-free voice calls as well, so you can keep the conversation going.

Your one-screen, one-click driver problem solver
Drivers broken or missing after an OS update? Lost the installation CD? No problem. Our dynamic online driver database scans in real time so you get the latest drivers every time. Plus, we’ll install them one by one, so there’s less risk of hardware conflicts.


  • Automatically scans your whole computer for corrupt, missing and outdated drivers
  • Checks more than 127,000 hardware drivers
  • Scans in real time for the latests updates, every time
  • Builds and maintains your unique PC profile for fast access to the drivers you need
  • Backs up your drivers to help restore unwanted changes
  • Prevents hardware problems with scaled install process