Data di rilascio: 10/08/2017
Hai guardato i tuoi streamer preferiti giocare a Dead by Daylight e sfoggiare i loro abbigliamenti esclusivi. Adesso puoi finalmente mettere le mani su quei fantastici articoli e dimostrare orgogliosamente la tua passione! La ciliegina sulla torta è che tutti i profitti della vendita di questo articolo saranno devoluti alla Brain & Behavior Research Foundation.
Questo cofanetto di beneficienza è una raccolta di 26 oggetti cosmetici per molti dei killer e dei sopravvissuti di Dead by Daylight. Contiene 20 nuovissime opzioni di personalizzazione basate sui tuoi streamer preferiti e 6 articoli, finora esclusivi, appartenenti a vecchie conoscenze.
Orange Shmock: A unique top for Claudette, inspired by 72hrs
Angry Pug Team Uniform: A unique shirt for Meg, inspired by Angry Pug
Morra what? : A unique top for Meg, inspired by Armorra
The Roohappy Tee: A unique shirt for Dwight, inspired by Admiral Bahroo
The Meat Man: A unique jacket for Jake, inspired by BroBQ
Red Dude Jacket: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by CaRtOoNz
The Envy: A unique top for Meg, inspired by EnvyTheElitist
The Jenpai hat: A unique hat for Claudette, inspired by Jendenise
Kek: A unique top for Meg, inspired by KeGenius
Mr. Bing Bong: A unique look for the Wraith, inspired by Marth88
Raving Mad: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Metro
The british charm: A unique shirt for Claudette, inspired by Morf
The Nana: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Nana
The Ohmwrecker: A unique mask for the Huntress, inspired by The Ohmwrecker
Be the Target A unique shirt for Dwight, inspired by OhTofu
The Dark Nurse: A unique dress for the Nurse, inspired by Peng
Pickle Nightmare: A unique top for Meg, inspired by PickleDream
Summertime rolls: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Samu
Rage Mode: A unique top for Meg, inspired by Slyvinlisha
Smiley: A unique bag for the Nurse, inspired by Smiley
TEAMSXY Gear: A unique top for Claudette, inspired by SXYHXY
Is that a panda? : A unique bag for the Nurse, inspired by TheSwiftLegend
Kami-flage: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by TianKami
The TK: A unique shirt for Nea, inspired by Takesipon
Dat hat tho: A unique shirt for Claudette, inspired by Tru3Ta1ent
Mofugga U graduate: A unique top for Dwight, inspired by Vinc3ntVega