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Per giocare richiede il gioco base SimCIty su Origin.
Trasforma all'istante una parte della tua città nella moderna Francia! Colloca il ploppable della storica Torre Eiffel e osserva il tuo quartiere assumere l'aspetto e l'atmosfera tipicamente francesi. La Francia prende vita nella tua città: strade, case, edifici commerciali e veicoli, come le auto tipiche francesi, avranno il sapore unico dello stile di Parigi. Il set di città francesi contiene ploppable esclusivi come la famosissima Torre Eiffel e una stazione di polizia migliorata per proteggere i tuoi Sim.
Lend a touch of French class to your city with one of the world's most recognizable landmarks, the Eiffel Tower. Before you know it, Sims will want to have their pictures taken in front of the Eiffel Tower. Scores of Sims will be drawn to the Eiffel Tower and where will they spend their money? Your city.
Have criminals put you in a state of ennui? Get back that je ne sais quoi! If the normal cops can't handle it, import some from France! The French Police Station comes with an eye-catching compact patrol car to scan your city for crooks even faster than regular patrol cars. Add more patrol cars to the French Police Station to blanket your city in police coverage. There's even a helpful sign to add to your already classy French Police Station.
What better way to create a classy downtown, then with a touch of French RCI? Simply by having the Eiffel Tower in your city, the influence of French culture will radiate out into nearby residential and commercial buildings, allowing them to expand into très chic French buildings!