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The Sims 3 - Supernatural DLC Steam Gift

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Cena referencyjna to cena rynkowa tego samego produktu na konkretnej platformie na której może być wykorzystany (np. Steam) na dzień jego premiery. Ze względu na dynamiczne zmiany cen wszystkich produktów cyfrowych, których nie śledzimy na bieżąco, zachęcamy użytkowników do sprawdzenia najnowszych cen referencyjnych przed zakupem.
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Data wydania: 20/11/2012

The Sims 3: Supernatural Expansion Steam Gift

Platform:  Steam
Release Date:    20/11/2012

Product Description

Wymaga The Sims 3 na platformie Steam w celu aktywacji klucza!

Embrace the supernatural in a whole new world full of magic, mystery and mischief. Create witches, vampires,fairies or werewolves right from the beginning. Each supernatural Sim has strange new traits and abilities that addhumor and challenges to their lives and the world around them. Use your wand to cast spells or collect ingredientsand mix dozens of elixirs that enhance gameplay. You can turn Sims into zombies or give your Sim the golden touch.Share your enchanted brews with any friends who have The Sims 3. Explore the all-new town of Moonlight Falls, whereyour Sims’ special powers are heightened by the lunar cycle—and surprises lurk around every corner.


  • Play as supernatural Sims: Create witches, wizards, werewolves, more intriguing vampires and fairies -each with their own magical abilities, traits and interactions.
  • Explore the town of Moonlight Falls: Discover what mysteries and abilities are revealed by the light ofthe full moon. Will your Sims freak out or become more powerful?
  • Hone your magical crafts and share the enchantment: Learn to cast spells and find rare ingredients to brewelixirs, so you can charm or hex your Sims’ lives. Send your magical elixirs to any of your friends’ games who haveThe Sims 3. Your Sims can hone their psychic abilities and build a career as mystic fortune teller.
  • Discover supernatural items: Race around the arena on your broomstick, visit the gypsy caravan or preen infront of your magic mirror. Even awaken the classic character of Bonehilda, the quirky skeletal maid. With tons ofnew enchanted objects, what will happen next?
  • Deck out your home in gothic style: Add a secret lair with the sliding bookcase door and fill your homewith creepy new furniture.
  • Zombification: Mix a special elixir to create shuffling, brain-hungry monsters of your very own. Chomp onother Sims to spread the love and wreak havoc. Don’t fret; you can always concoct an elixir to change your Simsback.

System Requirements

  • OS:XP SP2 / Vista SP1 / Windows 7
  • Processor: For XP 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent; For Windows Vista and Windows 7 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • Memory:2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0